CiRA Member

PI: Akitsu Hotta

■ Education and Working Experience ■
March 2001 B.Sc., Department of Engineering, Nagoya University. (Nagoya, Japan)

Construction of Protein secondary structure library using C-language on UNIX system. (Go to Yamane Lab)

March 2006 M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Bioengineering), Nagoya University. (Nagoya, Japan)

Generation of transgenic chicken for producing pharmaceutical protein. (Go to Iijima Lab)

April 2006
~ February 2010
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Developmental & Stem Cell Biology, Hospital for Sick Children. (Toronto, Canada)

Development of gene therapy vectors for hemoglobinopathy and neurodevelopmental disorder Rett Syndrome, and pluripotent stem cell-specific vector for marking ES/iPS cells. (Go to James Ellis lab)

June 2008
~ February 2010
Research Fellow, Ontario Human iPS Cell Facility. (Toronto, Canada)

Optimization of iPS cell induction and characterization of iPS cell lines. (Go to the Facility website)

October 2010
~ March 2014
PRESTO (Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology) Researcher,
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

"Understanding Life by iPS Cell Technology" field, Phase III (Go to the JST PRESTO website)

March 2010
~ October 2016
Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor

Department of Reprogramming Science, Center for iPS Cell Research & Application (CiRA), Kyoto University. (Kyoto, Japan)

Assistant Professor

Yamanaka Group, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University. (Kyoto, Japan)

April 2016
~ Present
Principal Investigator

Hotta Project, T-CiRA Program (Go to the T-CiRA website)

October 2016
~ April 2022
Principal Investigator, Junior Associate Professor

Department of Life Science Frontiers, Center for iPS Cell Research & Application (CiRA), Kyoto University. (Kyoto, Japan)
(Moved to Department of Clinical Application, since April 2018)

May 2022
~ Present
Principal Investigator, Associate Professor

Department of Clinical Application, Center for iPS Cell Research & Application (CiRA), Kyoto University. (Kyoto, Japan)
(Go to the CiRA website)

■ Honor and Award ■
November 2009 Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Exceptional Trainee Award
April 2016 The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of MEXT
The Young Scientists’ Prize
May 2020 Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine Award (Basic Research)

Assistant Prof.:Yusuke Kojima, Ph.D.

■ Education and Working Experience ■
March 2010 B.Sc., Department of Engineering, Nagoya University. (Nagoya, Japan)
April 2010
~March 2015
M.S. and Ph.D.: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University (Dr. Iijima’s Lab)
March 2015
~ March 2020
Research Fellow: Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic (Dr. Machida’s Lab)
March 2020
~ June 2020
Research Associate: Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic (Dr. Machida’s Lab)
July 2020
~ March 2021
Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Clinical Application, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University
April 2021
~ present
Assistant Professor: Department of Clinical Application, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University
■ Honor and Award ■
August 2013 Presentation Award
Central Japan Branch of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan
■ Selected Publication ■
Huang J, Zhou Q, Gao M, Nowsheen S, Zhao F, Kim W, Zhu Q, Kojima Y, Yin P, Zhang Y, Guo G, Tu X, Deng M, Luo K, Qin B, Machida Y, Lou Z.
Tandem Deubiquitination and Acetylation of SPRTN Promotes DNA-Protein Crosslink Repair and Protects against Aging.
Molecular Cell, 2020 Jul 1;S1097-2765(20)30429-9. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.06.027.
[PubMed link] [Journal link]
Kojima Y, Machida Y, Palani S, Caulfield TR, Radisky ES, Kaufmann SH, Machida YJ.
FAM111A protects replication forks from protein obstacles via its trypsin-like domain.
Nature Communications, 2020 Mar 12;11(1):1318. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15170-7.
[PubMed link] [Journal link]
*Selected as the Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights by Anne Mirabella
Maskey RS, Flatten KS, Sieben CJ, Peterson KL, Baker DJ, Nam HJ, Kim MS, Smyrk TC, Kojima Y, Machida Y, Santiago A, van Deursen JM, Kaufmann SH, Machida YJ.
Tandem Deubiquitination and Acetylation of SPRTN Promotes DNA-Protein Crosslink Repair and Protects against Aging.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2017 May 5;45(8):4564-4576. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx107.
[PubMed link] [Journal link]
Kojima Y, Mizutani A, Okuzaki Y, Nishijima K, Kaneoka H, Sasamoto T, Miyake K, Iijima S.
Analyses of chicken sialyltransferases related to N-glycosylation.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2015 Jun;119(6):623-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2014.11.009. Epub 2014 Dec 8.
[PubMed link] [Journal link]
Kojima Y, Wakita J, Inayoshi Y, Suzuki R, Yamada Y, Kaneoka H, Nishijima K, Iijima S.
Galactosylation of human erythropoietin produced by chimeric chickens expressing galactosyltransferase.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2014 Jun;117(6):676-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2013.11.010. Epub 2013 Dec 17.
[PubMed link] [Journal link]

Postdoc:Matthew Beucler, Ph.D.

■ Education and Working Experience ■
December 2014 B.S., Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University
January 2015
~ June 2016
Research assistant: Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University
July 2016
~ May 2022
Ph.D, Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, and Microbiology, University of Cincinnati
July 2022
~ present
Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Clinical Application, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University
■ Selected Publication ■
Beucler MJ, Miller WE.
Rescue of Pentamer-Null Strains of Human Cytomegalovirus in Epithelial Cells by Use of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Reveals an Additional Postentry Function for the Pentamer Complex.
Journal of Virology, 2022 Apr 27;96(8):e0003122. doi: 10.1128/jvi.00031-22.
[PubMed link] [Journal link]
Morrison KM, Beucler MJ, Campbell EO, White MA, Boody RE, Wilson KC, Miller WE.
Development of a Primary Human Cell Model for the Study of Human Cytomegalovirus Replication and Spread within Salivary Epithelium.
Journal of Virology, 2019 Jan 17;93(3):e01608-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01608-18.
[PubMed link] [Journal link]

Postdoc: Hooi Ting Hu Ph.D.

■ Education and Working Experience ■
Aug 2017 B. Sc., Department of Biomedical Science, University Putra Malaysia
Apr 2018
~ Mar 2024
M.S. and Ph.D., Division of Biological Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
(Suetsugu Lab)
June 2024
~ present
Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Clinical Application, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University
■ Selected Publication ■
Nishimura, T.*, Oyama, T.*, Hu, H. T.*, Fujioka, T.*, Hanawa-Suetsugu, K., Ikeda, K., Yamada, S., Kawana, H., Saigusa, D., Ikeda, H., Kurata, R., Oono-Yakura, K., Kitamata, M., Kida, K., Hikita, T., Mizutani, K., Yasuhara, K., Mimori-Kiyosue, Y., Oneyama, C., Kurimoto, K., Hosokawa, Y., Aoki,J.,Takai,Y.,Arita, M., Suetsugu, S. (*: equal contribution)
Filopodium-derived vesicles produced by MIM enhance the migration of recipient cells.
Developmental Cell, 56, 842-859 e848, Mar 2021.
Hu, H. T.# , Nishimura, T., and Suetsugu, S.# (# : Co-corresponding authors).
Ultracentrifugal separation, characterization, and functional study of extracellular vesicles derived from serum-free cell culture.
STAR Protocols, 2, 100625, Jun 20
Mukherjee, A., Ron, J. E., Hu, H. T., Nishimura, T., Hanawa-Suetsugu, K., Behkam, B., MimoriKiyosue, Y., Gov, N. S., Suetsugu, S., & Nain, A. S.
Actin filaments couple the protrusive tips to the nucleus through the I-BAR domain protein IRSp53 during the migration of cells on 1D fibers.
Advanced Science, 10(7), 2207368. Mar 2023.
Hu, H. T., Suetsugu, S., & Nishimura, T.
The extracellular vesicles.
Plasma Membrane Shaping, 177-191, Jan 2023.

Bioinformatician:Youichi Naoe, Ph.D.

■ Education and Working Experience ■
Aug 2019
~ Mar 2022
T-CiRA Program (Hotta Project) Contract Researcher
CiRA, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan)
Apr 2022
~ Present
T-CiRA Program (Hotta Project) Researcher
CiRA, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan)

Technical Staff:Yukie Kumeta, Ph.D.

■ Education and Working Experience ■
March 2006 B.Pharm., Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Apr 2006
~ March 2011
M.Pharm. and Ph.D., Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Apr 2011
~ March 2014
Researcher: Division of Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and narcotics, National Institute of Health Sciences
Apr 2014
~ March 2016
Researcher: Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Nov 2023
~ Present
Assistant research staff, Department of Clinical Application, CiRA, Kyoto University

Technical Staff:Chika Kuwabara

■ Education and Working Experience ■
Mar 2021
~ Present
Technical Staff: Department of Clinical Application, CiRA, Kyoto University

Technical Staff:Yumi Tsubokura

■ Education and Working Experience ■
March 2011 M.Sc., Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Nov 2013
~ Nov 2016
Technician, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Sep 2017
~ April 2020
Technical staff, Rheumatology and Clinical lmmunology, Showa University
June 2020
~ Dec 2021
Technical staff, RegeNephro Inc.
Mar 2023
~ Present
Technical Staff, Department of Clinical Application, CiRA, Kyoto University

Ph.D. Student: Joseph Lee

■ Education and Working Experience ■
~ 2018
B.Sc., University of Toronto (Canada, Toronto) Department of Cell and Systems Biology
Oct 2018
~ Mar 2020
Research Student, SickKids Hospital (Canada, Toronto)
Apr 2020
~ Mar 2022
M.Sc. Student, Graduate School of medicine, Kyoto University / Department of Clinical Application, Hotta lab, CiRA, Kyoto University
Apr 2022
~ Present
Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of medicine, Kyoto University / Department of Clinical Application, Hotta lab, CiRA, Kyoto University

Ph.D. Student:Uikyu_Bang

■ Education and Working Experience ■
Mar 2019 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University
Apr 2021
~ March 2023
M.Sc. Student, Graduate School of medicine, Kyoto University / Department of Clinical Application, Hotta lab, CiRA, Kyoto University
Apr 2023
~ Present
Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of medicine, Kyoto University / Department of Clinical Application, Hotta lab, CiRA, Kyoto University

M.Sc. Student:Jason (Ka Ming) Choi

■ Education and Working Experience ■
July 2020 B.Sc. in Biochemistry, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sep 2020
~ March 2022
Research Technician, Rohto Advanced Research Hong Kong
Apr 2023
~ present
M.Sc. Student, Graduate School of medicine, Kyoto University / Department of Clinical Application, Hotta lab, CiRA, Kyoto University

Research Student:Yuqin Feng

■ Education and Working Experience■
Sep 2018
~ June 2023
M.D., Zhejiang University
Aug 2023
~ present
Research Student, Department of Clinical Application, Hotta lab, CiRA, Kyoto University

Secretary: Miyuki Nakamura

T-CiRA Member

Technician: Naoko Fujimoto

Education and Working Experience
Mar 2008 M.Sc., Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST). (Nara, Japan)

Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Genetics, Bioscientific Research Course, Graduate School of Science and Technology

Apr 2008
~ June 2010
Research Technician

Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Genetics, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST). (Nara, Japan)

July 2010
~ July 2014
Research Technician

Department of Reprogramming Science, Center for iPS Cell Research & Application (CiRA), Kyoto University. (Kyoto, Japan)

Aug 2014
~ Mar 2015
Research Technician

Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)

April 2015
~ March 2016
Technical staff

Mikiko Sodeoka Research Group, Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory, RIKEN (Saitama, Japan)

Apr 2016
~ Present
Technical Researcher

T-CiRA Hotta Project, CiRA Satellite Lab at Shonan Research Center (Shonan, Japan)

Contract Researcher: Dongyang Li, Ph.D.

■ Education and Working Experience ■
July 2014 Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Department of Pharmacy,
Oct 2014
~ Sep 2019
Master and Ph.D., Ochanomizu University, Graduate school of science,
Jan 2020
~ Mar 2021
Postdoctoral fellow, Tsukuba University, Department of Medicine
~ 2022年3月
Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of advanced industrial and sciences and technology
Apr 2023
~ Mar 2024
Specially appointed assistant professor, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Medicine
July 2024
~ present
Contract Researcher, T-CiRA Hotta Project, CiRA Satellite Lab at Shonan Research Center (Shonan, Japan)
■ Selected Publication ■
Dietary β-conglycinin prevents acute ethanol-induced fatty liver in mice. Ikaga R, Li D, Yamazaki T. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Nov 4;493(1):542-547.
Soya protein β-conglycinin ameliorates fatty liver and obesity in diet-induced obese mice through the down-regulation of PPARγ. Li D, Ikaga R, Yamazaki T. Br J Nutr. 2018 Jun;119(11):1220-1232.
Effective Food Ingredients for Fatty Liver: Soy Protein β-Conglycinin and Fish Oil. Yamazaki T, Li D, Ikaga R. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Dec 18;19(12):4107.
A novel method for measuring diet-induced thermogenesis in mice. Yamazaki T, Ikaga R, Li D, Nakae S, Tanaka S. MethodsX. 2019 Sep 10;6:1950-1956.
Fish Oil Increases Diet-Induced Thermogenesis in Mice. Yamazaki T, Li D, Ikaga R. Marine Drugs. 2021 May 17;19(5):278.

Photo Gallery

Dec 2023: Lab photo

Apr 2022: Lab photo

Sep 2018: Lab photo

Apr 2017: Lab photo

Apr 2016: Sakura party

Apr 2015: Sakura party

Apr 2014: Lab photo

Apr 2011: Lab photo

Kiyomizu Temple

Ceremonial bonfire of Gozan

Internship Student

Student Affiliation Enrollment period Program
Kensho Gendzwill University of Washington June 6 - July 31, 2023 Amgen Scholars
Maho Tamatani Sophia University Aug 19 - Sep 25, 2019 CiRA Internship Program
Nanaoko Shirai Princeton University Aug 8 - Sep 7, 2018 CiRA Internship Program
Xiou Wang Brandeis University Jun 11 - Aug 6, 2018 Brandeis University, WOW Fellowship
Yasuko Abe School of Science, University of Tokyo Aug 21 - Sep 29, 2017 CiRA Internship Program
Lucy Yang MIT Jun 14 - Aug 30, 2017 MISTI Internship Program
Linxin Gu Sichuan University Jul 3 - Aug 10, 2017 CiRA Internship Program
Julia Kudryashev MIT Jun 6 - Aug 12, 2016 CiRA Internship Program, MISTI Internship Program
Matthew Waller Duke University May 19 - Jul 14, 2016 Robertson Scholars Leadership Program
Tomoharu Suzuki Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto Univ. (3rd grade) Aug 31 - Oct 19, 2015 My Course Program


Name Enrollment period Next Position
Kei Watanabe April 2018 ~ March 2022 Kowa Company Ltd.
Eman Taha Nov 2020 ~ Jan 2022 Ain Shams University
Noriko Sasakawa Aug 2010 ~ May 2020 Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Miyuki Ono Apr 2018 ~ Apr 2020 Bio-venture
Kumiko A. Iwabuchi May 2017 ~ Apr 2020 Tokyo University of Science
Yuya Okuzaki Feb 2018 ~ Mar 2020 Avian Bioscience Research Center, Nagoya University
Akihiro Kagita Apr 2017 ~ Mar 2020 Faculty of Medicine, Yamaguchi University
Huaigeng Xu Apr 2015 ~ Feb 2020 UCSF Robert Blelloch lab
Mandy Lung Jun 2015 ~ Dec 2019 CiRA, Kyoto University
Peter Gee Dec 2014 ~ Mar 2019 MaxCyte, Inc.
Takahiro Iguchi Nov 2017 ~ Dec 2018 The University of Tokyo
Masakata Ifuku May 2016 - Apr 2018 Takeda Pharma Inc.
Masami Tanaka May 2016 - Aug 2017 DeNA Life Science
Kentaro Ishida Nov 2014 - Jul 2017 Myoridge Co. Ltd.
Ryota Saeki Apr 2014 - Mar 2016 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma
Hongmei Li (李 紅梅) Apr 2012 - Jun 2015 Boston Children’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School
Saya Shirai Feb 2011 - Mar 2014 Research Institute for Sustainable, Kyoto Univ.
Takao Nakano Apr 2011 - Mar 2014 IT company